Bus Service Changes

Changes to #5 Pleasant Valley, #8 Hollidaysburg, new route #9 Lakemont

Monday, March 6, 2017 | Categories:

Amtran made changes to two existing bus routes (#5 Pleasant Valley and #8 Hollidaysburg) plus a new route #9 Lakemont.  The changes began on April 10.

Route #5 Pleasant Valley - The only change is that #5 Pleasant Valley will not go into the Pleasant Valley Shopping Center.  The new #9 Lakemont will.  To see the proposed changes to the Pleasant Valley, click here.

Route #8 Hollidaysburg - The #8 Hollidaysburg has been redesigned to service UPMC Altoona's new Logan Medical Center on Logan Boulevard.  To see the proposed changes to the Hollidaysburg, click here.

Route #9 Lakemont - The new #9 Lakemont will serve Blair County Ballpark and Lakemont Park as well as the new AMC 12 cinema at Convention Center Commons connecting downtown Altoona at one end to the Logan Valley Mall at the other end.  To see the new #9 Lakemont, click here.