Title VI Notice

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and services funded, in whole or part, by financial assistance from the United States Government. 


All services and programs operated or sponsored by AMTRAN, 3301 Fifth Avenue, Altoona, 16602 are subject to the requirements and obligations of Title VI.  It is the intention of AMTRAN to fully comply with Title VI. 


For more information on AMTRAN's Title VI program, obligations, procedures, and/or to file a complaint, please call Betsy Randazzo at (814) 944-4074.


Persons who believe that they have experienced or witnessed any act or inaction, intentional or otherwise, in any program, service, or activity operated by or sponsored by AMTRAN that results in or may result in disparate treatment or impact, or perpetuates the effects of prior discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin may file a written complaint with AMTRAN or the U.S. Federal Transit Administration. 


Click the link on the left for the Complaint Procedures and Complaint Form.


c/o Betsy Randazzo
Compliance Officer
3301 Fifth Avenue
Altoona, PA  16602
Phone (814) 944-4074
Fax (814) 941-2733